Womens bible study

Hosanna Women's Bible Study meets at the Lakeville Campus. The mornings consist of worship, video teachings, and small group discussions. 

mens group

We are a community dedicated to helping men look more like Jesus and multiply his hope and heartbeat. 

Womens group

Hosanna Women's Group is a vibrant faith community that focuses on Jesus and builds relationships through fellowship, scripture-based study, and outreach. This group is for women of all ages.


Tuesday PM + Thursday AM | Lakeville Campus (No Registration Required)
Thursday PM | Northfield Campus (Register Below)
When we find ourselves dealing with grief, we are better together! This group offers support and encouragement for those who are mourning the death of a loved one.

Marriage prep course

Lakeville Campus | Friday, April 4th 5-9pm | Saturday, April 5th 8:15am-12pm
The Marriage Prep Course is perfect for engaged couples or those considering engagement. In this course, you'll learn valuable tools to create a strong marriage that will grow, prosper, and thrive. Topics include communication, conflict resolution, finances, and more. This course consists of an assessment and meetings with a Marriage Mentor that are required for all couples married at Hosanna Church or by a Hosanna Church pastor.

discover hosanna

1st Sunday of Every Month in Between Services
Next Date is April 6th @ All Campuses
If you are new to Hosanna or want to know more about who we are as a church, we invite you to attend the Discover Hosanna course. You will meet a Hosanna staff, hear about who we are as a church, and explore opportunities to get connected to your new church home. This is also the course where you can explore church membership. We are excited to see you there.

palm sunday night of worship

April 13, 2025 | 7-8:30 PM | Lakeville Campus | In-Person Only
Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter that begins the Holy Week. It is the day that we remember and celebrate the day Jesus entered Jerusalem as Savior and King. As Jesus rode a donkey into the town of Jerusalem, a large crowd gathered and laid palm branches and their cloaks across the road, giving Jesus royal treatment. The hundreds of people shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!"

Palm Sunday is “Hosanna’s holiday!” We get the name of our church from people shouting “Hosanna!” as Jesus entered Jerusalem.

This year, in addition to Sunday morning services,  we are kicking off Holy Week with an All Church Night of Worship held on Sunday at 7 PM at our Lakeville campus. Come alone, with your family, friends, or even your community group.

OverTime - 65+ Ministry Event

April 24, 2025 | 6:30pm | Lakeville Worship Center

Don Shelby is a former news anchor for WCCO TV. He is a nationally known journalist who has won many awards and is a AAA personality: Anchor, Actor (Chanhassen Dinner Theater), and Author (The Season Nevers Ends). Don is an excellent storyteller and he will inspire and entertain us with his heart and humor. This will be a memorable evening.

Doors open at 6pm, Event begins at 6:30pm in the Worship Center at Lakeville Campus

Free, but registration is required

Adult & youth immersion baptism

April 27th, 2025
Jesus commanded those who wanted to follow him to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19-20). If you want to Surrender your life to Jesus for the first time or Reaffirm the baptism of your youth by stepping into the “new thing” that God is doing in your life- We invite you to participate in an Adult/Youth Baptism Sunday. When you register, we can come alongside you to shepherd you through this significant experience.

practicing the way practices study

Starting The Week of April 28th, 2025
Grow this Spring by engaging in a short, 4 week study, based on the practices of Jesus. Each campus will offer a 4 week study focused on one of the nine practices of Jesus.  These studies will be offered in a variety of settings and focused on connecting in community. Click below to find a study and setting that’s a next best step for YOU! 

All studies start in April and end in May.


May 4th @ All Campuses 
Confirmation is a chance to publicly acknowledge your faith in Jesus Christ and proclaim your faith as your own. It's not the “end” of one’s faith journey, but it affirms you are on a personal journey to know Christ more. Participation in Confirmation is an optional part of our Middle School Ministry. Regardless of the choice to go through confirmation, all 8th-grade students will transition to the High School Ministry as a small group in the spring.

infant and child baptism

May 18th @ All Campuses 
We believe that the promises of God for his people are extended, as a means of unmerited grace, to the children of believing parents (Genesis 17:7; 1 Corinthians 4:17). We teach that it is necessary for children who are baptized to come, in God’s time, to personal saving faith in Jesus (John 1:12-13; 3:16-17, Romans 10:9) for the promises of baptism (Romans 6:3-4, Mark 16:16, 1 Peter 3:21) to be fully realized. In other words, the gifts offered in baptism must eventually be opened.

impact trips

Trips from June 2025 - Winter 2026 now available!
Jesus is on the move to fill the earth with His irresistible love. We want to humbly and boldly join Him in what He does worldwide. Global Impact includes trips, projects, and partnerships uniquely designed to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus while multiplying the hope and heartbeat of Jesus in communities worldwide.
We are excited to offer Impact Trips for you and your family to participate in this upcoming year. Trips include Tanzania, Ecuador and Thailand!