Uniquely Hosanna
We know there are a lot of churches that you can attend in your local community, or even online. Each congregation is a unique part of the “body of Christ”- that will serve to strengthen and equip the believers who call that church their home. Hosanna is unique in a few important ways- that may help you discover if Hosanna is the right “church home” for you.
Hosanna exists To Humbly and Boldly be a Church that Looks More Like Jesus.
Hosanna exists To Humbly and Boldly be a Church that Looks More Like Jesus.

More like jesus
Churches can focus on many things, but we believe that as Christians, our primary aim is to become more like Jesus. He is the visible image of the invisible God (Col 1:15). Jesus is what God has to say. And those who follow Jesus are meant to be conformed to his image (Rom 8:29). Therefore, as a church, we seek to represent Jesus well, personally and as a community by “living a life filled with love, following the example of Christ” (Eph 5:2).
We endeavor to do this Humbly and Boldly
We endeavor to do this Humbly and Boldly
Jesus was Humble. He gave up his divine privileges to be born as a human being (Phil 2:7) and entered into every person’s story with deep understanding, compassion, and grace to draw them to himself. Hosanna holds the truth that we are ALL sinners who have fallen short of God’s Glory (Romans 3:23), so everyone is welcome on the journey. There are no perfect people here.
Jesus was Humble. He gave up his divine privileges to be born as a human being (Phil 2:7) and entered into every person’s story with deep understanding, compassion, and grace to draw them to himself. Hosanna holds the truth that we are ALL sinners who have fallen short of God’s Glory (Romans 3:23), so everyone is welcome on the journey. There are no perfect people here.
Jesus was Bold. People were and still are- amazed at the authority of his teaching. Jesus challenged people to believe in him, and then follow him by increasingly aligning their lives to The Way of his love for God and humanity. We believe that God loves us as we are, and also loves us too much to leave us that way.
Jesus was Bold. People were and still are- amazed at the authority of his teaching. Jesus challenged people to believe in him, and then follow him by increasingly aligning their lives to The Way of his love for God and humanity. We believe that God loves us as we are, and also loves us too much to leave us that way.
The Radical middle
Hosanna exists to look more like Jesus, so we want everything we believe, do, and say to come from looking through the perfect lens of Jesus first- not a flawed human social or political lens. Therefore, Hosanna is not a “left-leaning” or a “right-leaning” church- we are a Jesus-leaning church. We believe that Jesus offers a 3rd Way- a radical, alternative way- to the close-minded, divisive, polarizing narratives that the enemy uses to tear people apart. To be in the Radical Middle does not mean we compromise the truth of Scripture or are apathetic to the issues in the world around us. It calls us to have greater humility and courage as we choose to live inside the messiness like Jesus did. Living from the Radical Middle requires empathy, nuance, curiosity, and boldness to be faithful to Jesus and to make every effort for unity. The Radical Middle is not a political affiliation or agenda; it is a spiritual way, a higher way—it’s Jesus’ way!

three streams
If you have joined us for worship (in person or online)- you have likely noticed that Hosanna has a unique spiritual culture. It’s hard to pin down a church that feels modern in music & vibe, but also feels ancient in its traditions. It may help you to know that this is intentional…
We see the spiritual culture of Hosanna as a mighty and nourishing “river” that exists at the confluence of three streams- each representing a perspective of thought, belief, and expression. These three streams continue to flow in and out of Hosanna, and we are uniquely positioned to relate with churches and people from each of these streams.
We see the spiritual culture of Hosanna as a mighty and nourishing “river” that exists at the confluence of three streams- each representing a perspective of thought, belief, and expression. These three streams continue to flow in and out of Hosanna, and we are uniquely positioned to relate with churches and people from each of these streams.
The Traditional Stream
Allows us to carry valuable and rich theology, traditions, and practices from our Lutheran-Protestant heritage and the Christian Church’s 2000-year history- and keeps us rooted in the wisdom of the historical church. This is why we integrate hymns, pray The Lord’s Prayer, and regularly celebrate communion.
Allows us to carry valuable and rich theology, traditions, and practices from our Lutheran-Protestant heritage and the Christian Church’s 2000-year history- and keeps us rooted in the wisdom of the historical church. This is why we integrate hymns, pray The Lord’s Prayer, and regularly celebrate communion.
The Evangelical Stream
Emphasizes the fullness and authority of scripture, and keeps us focused on Jesus’ command to share the gospel (the Good News) with people who do not yet know Jesus. We do this by making faith accessible to everyone and offering opportunities for people to respond to Jesus’ invitation to a personal relationship with him, to be baptized, and to follow him.
Emphasizes the fullness and authority of scripture, and keeps us focused on Jesus’ command to share the gospel (the Good News) with people who do not yet know Jesus. We do this by making faith accessible to everyone and offering opportunities for people to respond to Jesus’ invitation to a personal relationship with him, to be baptized, and to follow him.
The Charismatic Stream
Honors the presence of the Holy Spirit, moving and working among and within us. Hosanna is a house of prayer. We recognize and release the gifts of the Spirit in a Biblical, healthy, unifying way.
Honors the presence of the Holy Spirit, moving and working among and within us. Hosanna is a house of prayer. We recognize and release the gifts of the Spirit in a Biblical, healthy, unifying way.
other hosanna distinctives
Diversity: We believe God did diversity on purpose. We desire to be a church that looks more like Jesus, by honoring the unique image of God in every person. We seek to reflect His love and justice and be a community where all are seen, heard, and valued.
Mental Health: Our Lead Pastor- Ryan Alexander- has been very transparent about his lifelong healing journey with anxiety, and Hosanna seeks to be a church that normalizes and attends to mental health issues, with compassion and hope. Hosanna offers resources and regular messages that explore the convergence of faith and mental health.
Women in Leadership: Not every church advocates or even allows women to serve in positions of leadership as pastors, preachers, or elders. While we recognize the biblical tension around this topic, Hosanna seeks to be more like Jesus by fully empowering women.
Mental Health: Our Lead Pastor- Ryan Alexander- has been very transparent about his lifelong healing journey with anxiety, and Hosanna seeks to be a church that normalizes and attends to mental health issues, with compassion and hope. Hosanna offers resources and regular messages that explore the convergence of faith and mental health.
Women in Leadership: Not every church advocates or even allows women to serve in positions of leadership as pastors, preachers, or elders. While we recognize the biblical tension around this topic, Hosanna seeks to be more like Jesus by fully empowering women.