Enriching Faith and Daily Life Through the Gifts of Prayer and Care.
We at Hosanna Church believe in the power of prayer and caring for our neighbor. Whether you are experiencing a challenge, a celebration, or need a care support group, we want to lift all things to the Lord and experience them alongside one another.
Resources During Challenging Times
If you are in need of resources for basic needs, please fill out the form below, and one of our campus pastors will contact you shortly.
Prayer Ministries
Whether you have a challenge or celebration to lift up to the Lord, our trained prayer team members are here to come alongside you.
We seek to make it easy for you to request prayer online through a confidential prayer request or in-person in our prayer rooms before or after service at any campus.
We seek to make it easy for you to request prayer online through a confidential prayer request or in-person in our prayer rooms before or after service at any campus.
Sozo Healing Prayer Session
Sozo, a Greek word in the New Testament over 100 times, means “to save, heal, deliver, restore, preserve, whole.” Sozo Healing Prayer Sessions connect you with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to help heal past and present wounds. Sessions are friendly, gentle, and confidential, typically last 2-3 hours, and are conducted by trained volunteers. These volunteers have the heart to help others overcome obstacles and strongholds in their lives.
Healing Prayer | Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Healing Prayer is a part of Tuesday Care Nights and exists to see people healed holistically in body, soul, and spirit. Prayer Team members can pray individually with anyone seeking physical, relational, emotional, financial, or spiritual healing.
Care Ministries
Hosanna Care Ministries desires to help anyone navigating life challenges or crises such as abuse, addictions, anger, anxiety, codependency, depression, divorce, grief, single parent relationships, and family dynamics. Extend the love, hope, comfort, and compassion of Jesus Christ to those navigating a time of change, challenge, or life crisis. Get connected, attend Care Groups, and connect with county resourcing. Care Groups are led by leaders who have struggled in the past and had life experiences in the area of the groups they lead. They all have victory over these past life struggles. All groups follow the group guidelines and close with prayer. All focus on positive growth, life changes, and personal relationships with Jesus.
Freedom From Addiction & Abuse
Celebrate Recovery curriculum used for this group. A safe place for individuals recovering from addictions related to gambling, drugs, alcohol, food, and more. Separate men's & women's groups.
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Lakeville Tuesday Night Meal
Free Meal - Open to everyone in the community.
Tuesdays | 5 PM - 6 PM | Lakeville Campus
Tuesdays | 5 PM - 6 PM | Lakeville Campus
Encourages the development of healthy boundaries for individuals who experience an emotional or psychological reliance on someone else, possibly due to an illness or addiction.
Separate men's & women's groups.
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Separate men's & women's groups.
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Victory Over Life Struggles
A supportive and encouraging environment for people encountering depression, emotional stress, boundary issues, mental health, and more.
Separate men's & women's groups.
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Separate men's & women's groups.
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Healing Prayer
Healing Prayer is a part of Tuesday Care Nights and exists to see people healed holistically in body, soul, and spirit. Prayer Team members can pray individually with anyone seeking physical, relational, emotional, financial, or spiritual healing.
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Freedom From Abuse
A safe place for those recovering from an abusive relationship.
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Support and encouragement for individuals who are divorced, separated, or in the process of divorce.
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Thursdays | Starting January 23rd | 6-8pm | Northfield Campus | REGISTER
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Thursdays | Starting January 23rd | 6-8pm | Northfield Campus | REGISTER
Freedom From Anxiety
Support for people struggling with anxiety.
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Cancer Support Group
If you or a loved one is walking through cancer, we invite you to a time of listening and caring for one another with time for prayer.
Fourth Tuesday of the Month | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Fourth Tuesday of the Month | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Hispanic Life & Faith Group
A supportive environment for people looking to make healthier choices in their life and faith journeys.
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Tree House For Teens
A safe environment and mentoring for teens (10-18 years old) to receive support, guidance, and practical skills in making better choices today to live as healthy adults tomorrow. Teens are picked up by TreeHouse staff from Hosanna Lakeville but meet off-site at Cross of Christ Church, where parents pick their teens up at 8:30 PM.
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Purity Group
Healthy steps toward freedom from pornography and sexual addictions.
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus | Men's Group Only
Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus | Men's Group Only
When we find ourselves dealing with grief, we are better together! This group offers support and encouragement for those who are mourning the death of a loved one. We currently provide GriefShare at our Lakeville Campus and occasionally it is offered at other campuses. Please get in touch with Care Pastor Kellie Walia with any questions.
Tuesdays | 6 PM - 8 PM | Lakeville Campus
Thursdays | 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Lakeville Campus
Thursdays | 6 PM - 8PM | Northfield Campus
Tuesdays | 6 PM - 8 PM | Lakeville Campus
Thursdays | 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Lakeville Campus
Thursdays | 6 PM - 8PM | Northfield Campus
Conquerors Connect
Conquerors Connect is a safe place for women and men with abortion in their past to receive support and connect with others who understand. For more information contact Caroline at 612-746-5639 or visit Conquerors Program - Restoring Hope After Abortion (conquerorsafterabortion.org)
1st & 3rd Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
1st & 3rd Tuesdays | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
A supportive community for caregivers growing in strength and hope through fellowship, Christian study, and prayer. All caregivers are welcome (whether your loved one is at home or in a care facility.)
Second & Fourth Tuesdays of the Month | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Second & Fourth Tuesdays of the Month | 6:15 PM | Lakeville Campus
Pregnancy & Infant Loss and Infertility Care Group
This group is for women who have experienced or who are experiencing pregnancy loss, infant loss, and/or infertility. Offered monthly on the first Thursday.
First Thursday of the month | 7:00pm | Lakeville Campus
First Thursday of the month | 7:00pm | Lakeville Campus
Off Campus Care Groups
Men’s Addiction Care Group
This group is designed for men who want to purposefully step deeper into their relationship with God as a solution to their struggle with addiction to alcohol and/or drugs.
Monday | 6:00 am | Off Campus | Apple Valley
This group is designed for men who want to purposefully step deeper into their relationship with God as a solution to their struggle with addiction to alcohol and/or drugs.
Monday | 6:00 am | Off Campus | Apple Valley
Men’s Sexual Integrity Care Group
The Renewed Man Sexual Integrity Bootcamp is an ongoing 12-week men's boot camp. Sexual Integrity Issues exist on a spectrum from struggling with it monthly to struggling daily. This bootcamp is for men that want to find real intimacy, vitality, and sexual integrity in an artificial world.
Thursday | 7:00pm | Online
The Renewed Man Sexual Integrity Bootcamp is an ongoing 12-week men's boot camp. Sexual Integrity Issues exist on a spectrum from struggling with it monthly to struggling daily. This bootcamp is for men that want to find real intimacy, vitality, and sexual integrity in an artificial world.
Thursday | 7:00pm | Online
Women’s Domestic Abuse Care Group
This group is for women needing support for domestic violence who want to understand how to make their faith real in the midst of the challenges of life together.
Tuesday | 7:00pm | Off Campus | Shakopee
This group is for women needing support for domestic violence who want to understand how to make their faith real in the midst of the challenges of life together.
Tuesday | 7:00pm | Off Campus | Shakopee