additional Ways to give

Stock / Mutual Funds: Check with your professional advisor about how giving long-term appreciated assets may help you give more and reduce your taxable income. The following forms provide instructions and details you need to gift an appreciated asset. Please Contact Stacey Peterson with any questions!
Stock Donation Form | Mutual Fund Donation Form

Donor Advised Funds: You can use your DAF to support Hosanna Church.  Here is the basic information you will need when requesting a grant from your DAF:  
Hosanna Church, Tax ID - 41-1416314, 9600 163rd St. W, Lakeville, MN  55044.

IRAs: If you are 70 ½ or older, you can give up to $100,000 per year directly from your IRA to a qualified charity, like Hosanna Church. Since this gift does not count as income, you do not pay taxes on it. Beginning when you turn 73, you can use your Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) to satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution (RMD). Please check with your tax advisor and IRA administrator for further advice and information. Here is the basic information you will need when giving from your IRA:  Hosanna Church, Tax ID - 41-1416314, 9600 163rd St. W, Lakeville, MN  55044.

Endowment: The Hosanna Endowment, established in 2018, is an income-producing fund managed by Thrivent Charitable Impact and Investing.  Donor gifts to the endowment are invested, and a portion of the annual earnings are used to fund the mission and vision of Hosanna.  Through the Endowment, givers sow seeds to secure Hosanna's strong, God-honoring financial future.

Learn More and watch the video to hear from Lead Pastor Ryan Alexander and Founding Pastor Bill Bohline about the Hosanna Endowment.

planned giving

Planned gifts allow you to make gifts through your estate so you can support Hosanna Church upon your passing. This is a wonderful way to demonstrate your values and continue your legacy of faith and generosity. There are many options for planned giving, including:

Bequests: There are many ways to make a provision for Hosanna Church through your estate. A simple bequest is the most common.  In your will, you can designate a specific gift amount, a percentage of your estate, or the remaining value of your estate. If you have already made a provision for Hosanna in your will, you can let us know by completing and returning this form. Watch this short video to learn more about Bequests.

Retirement account designation: You can make Hosanna a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or other retirement assets.  Since IRAs are taxable to your heirs, they are great assets to use for your charitable giving as they are not taxable to a charity.  Talk with your plan administrator to learn more.  

Give and receive: There are ways to give that provide a lifetime income while supporting Hosanna and other non-profits important to you. Watch this video to learn more about Charitable Gift Annuities.

creative Ways to give 

Thrivent Choice Dollars: Are you a member of Thrivent Financial? You can recommend that Thrivent distribute some of its Choice Dollars (charitable outreach funds) to Hosanna Church by clicking Here.

Real Estate and Other Tangible Assets: Property and other owned assets may be donated to the church. Please be sure to contact Hosanna Church first and also consult IRS requirements for these types of gifts.

For gifts of other tangible assets such as vehicles, jewelry, antiques, or collectibles, the items must be sold first and the proceeds donated.
Whether you're taking the next step in trusting God with your finances or exploring new ways to contribute to Hosanna's mission, we are thankful for you! If you have any questions, you can reach out to our Giving Team or call 952.435.3332