Take a Step of Faith and Trust in God
God knows that money is one of our most challenging things to handle well. That's why he tells us to test Him in this practice.
Tithing, which means tenth, was passed down from the law of Moses to acknowledge that everything comes from God.
Listen to Pastor Ryan's message about tithing and the freedom it brings to the giver. Hosanna wants you to experience this freedom. A great way to start is to participate in the 90-Day Tithe Challenge.
Tithing, which means tenth, was passed down from the law of Moses to acknowledge that everything comes from God.
Listen to Pastor Ryan's message about tithing and the freedom it brings to the giver. Hosanna wants you to experience this freedom. A great way to start is to participate in the 90-Day Tithe Challenge.
how it works
Through this step of trust, we know that God will bless you in unexpected ways. If you don't see transformation in your heart and in your life, we will return your additional giving made during your 90-Day Challenge.
1. Sign Up
Let us know you are participating by clicking the "Start the Challenge" button above so we can pray for and encourage you on this journey. You are not meant to do this alone!
2. Start Giving
Start giving your first 10% based on a schedule that works for you. We encourage you to time your tithing with your pay dates so the first 10% is going to God. You can use online giving (select 90-Day Challenge Fund) or drop your check in the mail or one of our secure giving boxes at each campus.
3. Pray & Be Encouraged
Pray daily for God to reveal Himself to you in new ways and track His blessings. It's not just the financial blessing He pours out. You might be presented with new opportunities, meet new people, find new ways to serve, or even see a change in your home & your attitude.
4. Tell Your Story
Call or email us your story at the end of the 90 days! Share your story with others so you can be an encouragement to them.
Frequently asked questions
Q: Is there more than one way I can tithe?
A: Yes! There are several ways you can tithe. Just make sure to select the 90-Day Challenge Fund.
Q: What does my tithe support?
A: Your tithe goes to Hosanna's general fund, which supports all of the church operations, Hosanna's ministries, maintenance and operation of our buildings, staff compensation, expansion efforts, and our local global partners.
Q: Can I request a refund if it doesn't work out?
A: We will refund all of the additional offerings committed during the 90-Day Challenge for those requesting. This period begins on the day you submit your commitment form. Tithes or offerings given before this date will not be refunded.
Requests for a refund must be submitted within 120 days of the date you submit your commitment form - 30 days after your 90-Day Tithe Challenge ends. You do not have to wait until your 90-Day Tithe Challenge period ends. You may request a refund anytime if it falls within 120 days of submitting your commitment form.
Regardless of how the tithe was given (check, credit card, or cash), all refunds will be issued by check and mailed to the address on file for the most recent tax year.
To request a refund, email Marci Tokach or send a written request to Hosanna Church @ 9600 163rd St W., Lakeville, MN 55044
Further Questions?
If you have further questions or want more information before signing up, please contact Keevan Kosidowski, Director of Giving Ministry.
A: Yes! There are several ways you can tithe. Just make sure to select the 90-Day Challenge Fund.
- Click "Give" on our Hosanna App
- Text "HosannaGive" to 94000
- With Cash or check, please put your name and address with your tithe in an envelope noting the 90-Day Challenge in the memo line of your check or as a note.
- If you are currently an Online recurring giver, you have two options:
- Cancel your current recurring schedule and set up a new one. Go into your account through the Hosanna app or the Hosanna website. Login to your Pushpay account. Cancel your current schedule and create a new schedule with your tithe. Remember to select 90-Day Challenge Fund.
- Create a new schedule: Go into your account through the Hosanna app or website. Login to your Pushpay account. Create another recurring schedule with the additional amount you would like to give. Remember to select the 90-Day Challenge Fund.
Q: What does my tithe support?
A: Your tithe goes to Hosanna's general fund, which supports all of the church operations, Hosanna's ministries, maintenance and operation of our buildings, staff compensation, expansion efforts, and our local global partners.
Q: Can I request a refund if it doesn't work out?
A: We will refund all of the additional offerings committed during the 90-Day Challenge for those requesting. This period begins on the day you submit your commitment form. Tithes or offerings given before this date will not be refunded.
Requests for a refund must be submitted within 120 days of the date you submit your commitment form - 30 days after your 90-Day Tithe Challenge ends. You do not have to wait until your 90-Day Tithe Challenge period ends. You may request a refund anytime if it falls within 120 days of submitting your commitment form.
Regardless of how the tithe was given (check, credit card, or cash), all refunds will be issued by check and mailed to the address on file for the most recent tax year.
To request a refund, email Marci Tokach or send a written request to Hosanna Church @ 9600 163rd St W., Lakeville, MN 55044
Further Questions?
If you have further questions or want more information before signing up, please contact Keevan Kosidowski, Director of Giving Ministry.